the british people 意味

発音を聞く:   the british peopleの例文
  • 英国民


  1. but to the british people , i say you are not our enemy .
    だが 英国の人達に 言っておく
  2. everything . we serve the british people , not washington .
    我々の雇用者は英国だ ワシントンではない
  3. and the british people were still upset


        british people:    英国民{えいこく みん}
        non british people:    
        non-british people:    非イギリス系の民族{みんぞく}
        british:    {名} : 《the ~》英国人{えいこく じん}、英国民{えいこく みん}イギリス人◆集合的 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 英国{えいこく}の、英連邦{えいれんぽう}の、大ブリテン島の -------------------------------
        many cases where british and american people can't agree among themselves how to pronounce a word:    単語{たんご}の発音{はつおん}についてイギリス人とアメリカ人の意見{いけん}が一致{いっち}しない多くのケース
        anti british:    {形} :
        anti-british:    anti-British 反英 はんえい
        best of british!:    幸運{こううん}を祈る
        billion (british):    billion (British) 兆 ちょう
        british academy:    《英》学士院◆【略】BA
        british aerospace:    {組織} : ブリティシュ?エアロスペース◆英国の航空機会社◆【略】BAe◆【URL】
        british airlines:    {組織} : 英国航空◆【略】BA
        british airways:    British Airways 英国航空 えいこくこうくう ブリティッシュエアウェイズ
        british asian:     British ásian 英国系アジア人《英国育ちのインド人?パキスタン人?バングラデシュ人》.
        british association:    {組織} : 《英》学術協会◆【略】BA


  1. "the british museum catalogue has sixty-eight entries under his name" 意味
  2. "the british museum dated the fossils to the pliocene" 意味
  3. "the british music hall enjoyed immense popularity in the victorian era" 意味
  4. "the british open" 意味
  5. "the british parliament" 意味
  6. "the british protectorate of aden" 意味
  7. "the british provincial press" 意味
  8. "the british public are much more alive than they were 50 years ago to the uses of education" 意味
  9. "the british rule in india" 意味
  10. "the british open" 意味
  11. "the british parliament" 意味
  12. "the british protectorate of aden" 意味
  13. "the british provincial press" 意味

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